SFDX Developer Guide

SFDX Developer Guide

SFDX Developer Guide

SFDX - Salesforce Developer Experience
This doc explains the SFDX concepts in detail and it's solely based on my analysis and understanding. - Rajesh Babu Yanamala

How to install SFDX on my machine?

For Mac OS - https://sfdc.co/sfdx_cli_osx
For Windows 32-bit - https://sfdc.co/sfdx_cli_win
For Windows 64-bit - https://sfdc.co/sfdx_cli_win64
  • Select the defaults, then install it in your machine.
  • Once it's installed in our machine, then we need to verify whether it has been installed correctly.
  • For that, we need to open the Command Prompt from our machine and type the command “sfdx
  • In order to check the version of the CLI, you can use the following command,
sfdx --version
  • -To see the installed plugins for SFDX CLI, then type this command,
sfdx plugins
  • To know the Salesforce version that's used in our CLI which you have installed, type this,
sfdx force --version

==> If you are not sure about the commands in SFDX, you can see them at any time by typing,

sfdx force:doc:commands:list

or else you can type this “sfdx force --help”
Or else, you can type the command,

sfdx help

  • Then you can use the following command for example,
sfdx help force
  • For example, you would like to create an apex. For that, I need to see which command is available,
then type sfdx help force:apex
  • If you would like to know about the VF page creation, then type
sfdx help force:visualforce
Like this, we can learn the commands from the CLI itself. This is very easy to use and learn the usage of commands.

--> How to create an SFDX org or How can I use this SFDX CLI in my org?

We can have the functionality to spin a new SFDX org (DevHub org) with our normal production orgs.

But still, you can have the option to sign up for a new trial org by just visiting this URL.

==> Please go to this URL, https://developer.salesforce.com/promotions/orgs/dx-signup and sign up for an Org.
(If you sign up for a trial org like this, we can be able to access the org for only 30 days, after that, either we need to renew the org by purchasing a license or else the org can be disposed after 60 days.)

  • You can turn your Production org into a new Dev Hub Org. (Production org means any DE, EE, UE orgs).
How to spin a new DevHub org?
  • Login to your Production org and go to Setup and then search for “Dev Hub”.
  • You can see the option to enable the DevHub, then please select theoption. That's it, your org can behave now as a Dev Hub org.
  • Then you can see some new tabs got created for you namely, Scratch Org Infos and Active Scratch orgs.
  • You can check and Manage the complete scratch org information with the help these two tabs.
Note:- If your Production org has already package namespace in it, then you cannot use that org for a Dev Hub.

Once after your DevHub org is ready, then you can authenticate the org via CLI and start creating new scratch orgs and play with them.

What is a Scratch Org ?

The scratch org is a source-driven and disposable deployment of Salesforce code and metadata. A scratch org is fully configurable, allowing developers to emulate different Salesforce editions with different features and preferences.

  • Scratch org is exactly similar to a typical Sandbox but it is a temporary sandbox, where it can be self disposed after its life span.
  • The default life time for a scratch org was 7 Days. But we can have the ability to extend this life span till 30 days, but we need to specify this at the time of creation of scratch org.
  • For a normal DE org, it can have the capability to hold 6 scratch orgs, where only 3 sctratch orgs could remain active and 3 could remain Inactive.
  • For other Editions, certain limits would be there, but these could be modified by raising a case with our Salesforce. Depending upon the criteria, we can either modify or deny the request.

How to Link my DX Org to my SFDX CLI ?

Once you create a Trial edition org (DX org), then keep the username and password in handy.
Then open the command prompt, and remember the command which I told you earlier.

If you are not sure how to type any command, just use help command (mentioned as earlier) and then use the command for authentication.
Here we can have a number of options for using the auth command for authorizing our DevHub org.

We will pick the last command for now. We will discuss the remaining commands later.

Type the command as, sfdx force:auth:web:login -a tango@mango.com
(in the above command, tango@mango.com is my DevHub username. You can use yours),
then, it will automatically pop out a browser window and ask us for credentials for login.

For the first time, after entering the credentials, it will ask us to enable the access to use the SFDX CLI.
So the SFDX CLI works as an OAUTH connection.

You can verify this step by cross-checking the Login History of your org as,

If you check the Apps section also, you can find the OAUTH connection that created automatically after giving the access while logging in for the first time. Please find the screenshot as shown below,

So, at last, we gave our credential for Login. Then we can get the response in our command prompt as shown below after the authentication.
==> So, till now, we have created a Trial org and logged in via command prompt.

==> Now check your DevHub org once,
There you can find the info regarding the Scratch orgs which are Active.
( Disclaimer:- I already have created this org, so it is showing as 21 days remaining and I am also having the scratch orgs in my DevHub).

==> Now you can get the question that, Can I create a Scratch org from this UI itself?

The answer is No. You cannot create any new scratch org from the UI.
==> We can create any scratch org from the command prompt (CLI tool) only.

Then we can go for Scratch org section.

Before going to scratch org, we can learn about the creation of Project in our repository.

In order to play with scratch orgs, we need to create a Project. A Salesforce DX project has a specific structure and a configuration file that identifies the directory as a Salesforce DX project.

You can learn more about the project using the link as shown below,

Now, we need to use the command to create a project,

sfdx force:project:create -n DemoSfdxProject
-> We can check the same by going to the project location in our repository,

-> So, the project creates us the following files,

  • sfdx-project.json
  • config/project-scratch-def.json
  • .forceignore

==> We need to be careful about these files. Because the file “config/project-scratch-def.json” is responsible for Scratch org creation and the file “sfdx-project.json” helps us in shaping our project.

== > For creating the Scratch org, we need to use the following command,

sfdx force:org:create -f config/project-scratch-def.json -a MyDemoOrg

Note:-  We need to make sure that we are on the correct path where we created our Project. Observe the screenshot above. 
Now we need to note down the username of the scratch org which we created and the  Org ID. 
We can cross check the org via UI also. I mean in DevHub org as well.
==> By this way, we can cross-check the scratch org which we created. If you observe the screenshot carefully, I did not give any name for the Org Name, but by default, it has taken that name.

==> Why and How this happened?

Yes, because of the file “config/project-scratch-def.json”. It has the following code inside it,

"orgName": "Demo Company",
"edition": "Developer",
"orgPreferences" : {
"enabled": ["S1DesktopEnabled"]

So, this is the Org shape. We can modify it as per our convenience.

For suppose, I can change the org name and we can include some features. Please see the below code,

  "orgName": "Acme",
  "country": "US",
  "edition": "Enterprise",
  "description": "Work Item #12345: add picklist to widget",
  "hasSampleData": "true",
  "features": ["MultiCurrency", "AuthorApex"],
  "orgPreferences": {
    "enabled": ["S1DesktopEnabled", "ChatterEnabled"],
    "disabled": ["IsNameSuffixEnabled"]

We can find more about the configuration values under this link,

==> Now we have created the scratch org for our DevHub, How can I open this Scratch org? 
  • Via UI or command prompt?
  • I did not have a password with me, it just showed,
 Successfully created scratch org: 00DO0000004ueA4MAI, username: test-pheyglxh4iv8@example.com
  • How can I open this org without any password?
Do not get worried. We do not require any password to open the scratch org which we created. We can just open it using the command prompt, by typing the following command,

sfdx force:org:open -u test-pheyglxh4iv8@example.com
==> How the CLI is allowing me to open the scratch org without entering any password?
It uses cookies to open the scratch, so no need to provide the password now, we are already providing a unique username.

==> How can I generate the password for the scratch org?

sfdx force:user:password:generate --targetusername test-pheyglxh4iv8@example.com
==> We can get all the info regarding any user (including password) by using the following command.

sfdx force:user:display --targetusername test-pheyglxh4iv8@example.com
==> We can have the ability to change our password via UI as well. But if we change our password from UI, then it should  not get displayed in command prompt if we use the above command.
  • For example, I have changed my password via UI, but the command prompt still showing my old password only. It cannot display my latest password.
--> Suppose, I have created 2 DevHubs and 10 scratch orgs. Now we can get a doubt that how our CLI will take the DevHub org and its corresponding scratch orgs.

=> For that we need to manually set the default devhub username. So that it will point to that username only and we need to set the corresponding scratch org for that DevHub environment as well.

sfdx force:config:set defaultdevhubusername=tango@mango.com
=> Then we need to set the current Scratch org name as well,

sfdx force:config:set defaultusername=test-pheyglxh4iv8@example.com
--> Now we can verify whether these parameters were assigned correctly or not.

Use the command as, sfdx force:org:list
--> So the above screenshot shows that the default devhub org and the scratch org which we are using now.

==> Aliasing :- 

  • Here in SFDX, we can play everything with Alias names.
  • For example, we can set an alias name to our DevHub org as dOrg1 and Scratch org as sOrg1.

sfdx force:alias:set dOrg1=tango@mango.com

  • This command will set the alias name as dOrg1 for the DevHub org having the username of tango@mango.com.
  • We can set multiple alias names in a single command by separating the alias names with spaces,

sfdx force:alias:set dOrg1=tango@mango.com sOrg1=test-pheyglxh4iv8@example.com
==> Now if we check the Org list, then we can observe the alias names as,

sfdx force:org:list
  • The org names of DevHub and Scratch orgs changed to their Alias names.
Why we need Aliasing in SFDX:-

  • Aliasing is just like a shortcut. 
  • Suppose If I have a scenario where I need to execute 20 commands repeatedly for a presentation or any demo with our client or our customer. What we do is, we need to type each and every command manually. This would cause a huge delay in terms of execution and it's a time-consuming process.
  • If we set alias name for those commands, then it would be easy for us to execute those commands in a fraction of seconds and it would create an impression to others that we are experts while executing these commands.

Authorization of DevHub and Scratch orgs

Why do we need to authorize again? Already, we have authorized our dev org and scratch org right...

The answer is, we can authorize our org in 3 different ways.

  • using Web-based flow
  • using JWT flow (with the help of OAUTH)
We will discuss each one in detail.

Authorizing an Org using Username and Password :-

Yes, we already know how to login to our DevHub and scratch org and login via web.

Authorizing an Org using Web Based Flow :-

-- First step is to make sure no orgs should be active in our CLI command prompt. (Please logout of all the Orgs that were connected to the CLI)

-- Need to find the correct port which is free from any connections.

-- Set the correct port number in "sfdx-project.json" file, For Example,

--  Then create a new Connected App configuration in the DevHub org.
 Please follow this article for creating the app,

-- Then please note down the consumer key and consumer secret from the connected app, later we can use the same for Login.

-- Then please try to modify the login commands as shown below,

sfdx force:auth:web:login --clientid <my org consumer key> --setdefaultdevhubusername --setalias <give an alias name for your org>
- Then it will ask you "OAuth client secret of personal connected app?:" like this. Then you need to enter the client secret.

-- That's it, it will take you to login page, after entering your credentials, it will allow us for login.

-- Then you can start creating a new scratch org for this org. I hope this would create a new scratch org with our disturbing the existing OAUTH configuration.

-- By this way, you could at least try to create a new scratch org using new oauth configuration.

This is the easiest way to authorize the DevHub using the web-based flow.

If we want to login to our scratch org using the web based flow, then we need to explicitly add the instance URL as

sfdx force:auth:web:login --setalias my-hub-org --instanceurl https://test.salesforce.com

Then it will allow us to login to the scratch org.

Authorizing an Org using JWT Flow (with the help of OAUTH):-
Prerequisite:- We need to install the OpenSSL in our machine to generate a digital certificate and private key.

Steps to install the OpenSSL in our machine and generate a digital certificate:-
 Please catch up the doc on this URL:-

To Authorize our DevHub using JWT, Please follow the steps,

  • We can just simply run the sfdx force:auth:jwt:grant command and pass required parameters to it. Then it will directly authenticate our defined connected app using the consumer key and the private key which we defined already.
  • Then the command looks like,
sfdx force:auth:jwt:grant --clientid 3MVG9pe2TCoA1Pf7pde1T9h.AGoVyCrSXBopYOsL1XYYcfVcnwH4Lb1HYIVm4kySyo9c1Z.R1NQ7HPySXmqrx --jwtkeyfile C:\Users\ryanamala\jdoe\JWT\server.key --username rajeshmailme@sfdx.com

In the above command, we are saying that it needs to validate the clientId (consumer key), and we are passing the private key as the client secret. So it will validate our certificate and client ID and allow us to authenticate the DevHub org.

C:\Users\ryanamala\Videos\JWTDemo\Demo1>sfdx force:auth:jwt:grant --clientid 3MVG9pe2TCoA1Pf7pde1T9h.AGoVyCrSXBopYOsL1XYYcfVcnwH4Lb1HYIVm4kySyo9c1Z.R1NQ7HPySXmqrx --jwtkeyfile C:\Users\ryanamala\jdoe\JWT\server.key --username rajeshmailme@sfdx.com
Successfully authorized rajeshmailme@sfdx.com with org ID 00D0o000001BOdfEAG

For the same command, we can some extra parameters as well to make it very clear. Please note the below commands are optional.

--instanceurl https://test.salesforce.com (if the org is a scratch org)
--instanceurl https://login.salesforce.com  (no need to mention this for DevHub, by default it will use this URL https://login.salesforce.com)
--setdefaultdevhubusername --setalias my-hub-org

So, if I frame the entire command at one place, then it will look like this,

C:\Users\ryanamala\Videos\JWTDemo\Demo1>sfdx force:auth:jwt:grant --clientid 3MVG9pe2TCoA1Pf7pde1T9h.AGoVyCrSXBopYOsL1XYYcfVcnwH4Lb1HYIVm4kySyo9c1Z.R1NQ7HPySXmqrx --jwtkeyfile C:\Users\ryanamala\jdoe\JWT\server.key --username rajeshmailme@sfdx.com --instanceurl https://login.salesforce.com --setdefaultdevhubusername —setalias my-hub-org
Successfully authorized rajeshmailme@sfdx.com with org ID 00D0o000001BOdfEAG

This way of authorization is very useful in CI / CD processes, because, no need to explicitly look for any org for authorization.

Then we can discuss about Scratch Org authorization using JWT flow.

So, if we want to authorize the scratch org, we need the instance url  as https://test.salesforce.com and we can use the same consumer key and private key which we defined for the devHub.

So, after the creation of scratch org, please wait for approx. 5 minutes, then you will be able to see the scratch org configuration under the DevHub as,

So, once after confirming these details from DevHub, then we are good to authorize the scratch org from CLI.

Then, frame the command as shown below,

C:\Users\ryanamala\Videos\JWTDemo\Demo1>sfdx force:auth:jwt:grant --clientid 3MVG9pe2TCoA1Pf7pde1T9h.AGoVyCrSXBopYOsL1XYYcfVcnwH4Lb1HYIVm4kySyo9c1Z.R1NQ7HPySXmqrx --jwtkeyfile C:\Users\ryanamala\jdoe\JWT\server.key --username test-vsthx2qpt5ji@example.com --instanceurl https://test.salesforce.com
Successfully authorized test-vsthx2qpt5ji@example.com with org ID 00DN0000000RKEUMA4

We have used the same consumer key and private key and changed the instance URL.

By this way, we can be able to authorize the scratch org and DevHub using the JWT flow.

Scratch Orgs

==> So everything is at the place now. We can discuss what we can do with our Scratch org.

==> In our scratch org, I am thinking to create an Apex Class and store the same in my local repository. How can I do that?

==> This is so simple. Open your scratch org and go to setup→ build → develop→ Apex classes. Create an Apex class.
--> The apex class was created. Then I want to store a copy of this class into my local repository.

==> Now we open the command prompt and ask the CLI, what changes were made recently to our scratch org.

sfdx force:source:status
--> The above result is conveying that we have added /created a new apex class named “contactcreate” remotely.  (I mean in the UI).
--> We can check the recent changes that we performed by using this command.

==> Now we can store this class in our local repository by using the following command,

sfdx force:source:pull
==> The above command shows that we have pulled the changes which we made recently into our local repository.
  • We can even check the same by going to the path,
==> This confirms that we have stored a copy of our apex class in our local repository.

==> Why can't we create an Apex Class via command prompt?

Yes, we can create the same via CLI as well.

sfdx force:apex:class:create -n DemoDxClass
--> Now we need to check the class in our repository and edit the same in any notepad.
==> After verifying this, we can check the status of our source as of now to see for any recent changes,

sfdx force:source:status
--> The above screenshot is conveying us that we have added the classes Locally. I mean in the local repository.

==> Now we can upload the Apex class into our scratch org from our repository by using the following command,

sfdx force:source:push
==> This command shows that we have added our apex class into our scratch org. I mean we pulled the changes that we made recently from our repository into our scratch org.

==> We can verify the same in our UI as well,
Note:-  Push - Pushing the changes from our Local Repository into our Scratch org.
Pull - Pulling the changes that we made in UI (scratch org) to our Local Repository (in our PC).

Well, I got a doubt here. I am able to write an Apex Class and synchronize my changes between my Scratch org and my Local Repository.
In a real-time scenario, if I write an Apex class, I will test that using the developer console or any other third party tool.
How can I do the same here? Will SFDX CLI allow me to test my Apex Classes?

==> YES, you can test the apex classes from the CLI itself, no need to depend upon the Developer Console or any other automated third-party tools. That's why this CLI tool is called ALL IN ONE.

==> Let us take this scenario little further.
Open your CLI and authenticate your scratch org. Try to write an apex class from UI or develop it from the CLI tool.

Here, I am developing the apex class and its corresponding test class from the CLI tool.
Now, I have edited the class from the folders where they created and checking the status from CLI tool.
So, the apex class and its test class were added successfully to our local folder. Now we need to sync it to our Scratch org using the PUSH command.
Now, we need to check whether the classes got added to our scratch org or not.
After this, we need to run the test class. How can we do that? By using this simple command.

sfdx force:apex:test:run

This command will execute all the test classes present in our Org. It's just like Run All Tests option in UI.
So, this command will execute the test classes asynchronously and would give us the ID for this apex tests and we need to check the status of this test classes execution by passing the ID to the report command as shown below,

sfdx force:apex:test:report --testrunid 707N000001o0t6J

For every test class ID which we give, this will give us a detailed report mentioning the status of test class execution as shown below,
So, these test classes are running in Asynchronous mode. What to do if I need to run the test classes in Synchronous mode.
-- You can just specify the synchronous parameter to the command along with the specific test class name. That's it !!

sfdx force:apex:test:run --synchronous --classnames TestMathCalculator
By running any test class in synchronous mode, we can get the output in very less span of time.

I can even run the test class and view the result of the test class in a different format. The possible values for viewing the result format would be human, tap, junit, json.

sfdx force:apex:test:run --classnames TestMathCalculator --resultformat tap --codecoverage --wait 10

Here, I just mentioned the test class and changing the result format to tap format to view the code coverage and we are imposing a waiting period of 10 seconds. Since its an asynchronous execution, we are explicitly specifying the waiting period.
This command will give us the next command as well to check the result in the report format.

sfdx force:apex:test:report -i 707N000001o0uUV --resultformat human

This command will give us the results in Human format and its the default format to view the results.
sfdx force:apex:test:report -i 707N000001o0uUV --resultformat json

This command will give us the results in JSON format, i.e. Key-Value pair.
sfdx force:apex:test:report -i 707N000001o0uUV --resultformat junit

This command will give us the results in JUNIT format. This is very easy to understand.

I got a doubt. Suppose, if my apex class is having 10 methods inside it, can I run only 2 specific methods?
-- YES, we can !!

sfdx force:apex:test:run --tests TestClass.MethodA, TestClass.MethodB

Since I do not have any extra methods in my test class, I am unable to show it as an example here. But the syntax is the same as shown above.

Debug Logs

Can we enable Debug logs while performing any scenario like executing any apex class or any other operations?

The answer is YES, we can get the Debug logs in CLI directly.

Example:- I have an apex class and I am executing the test class. I can see the Debug logs in CLI tools.

sfdx force:apex:test:run
When we are executing any test class, the Developer Console should need to be open, because it will capture us the Logs for any operation that we are performing. Otherwise, we cannot get the Debug logs unless we enable the Debug logs for a particular user.

So in this scenario, I have already opened the Developer Console and executed the test run command.
sfdx force:apex:log:list

By this way, I got the log file similar to the Developer Console.

We can just copy the Debug Log File ID and fetch the complete log using the command

sfdx force:apex:log:get --logid 07LN000000lj6FjMAI

Add Namespace to our DevHub:-

Generally, in our DE, we will directly define a namespace to our Org. This namespace is mainly used for packaging.
But when it comes to DX, we cannot define any namespace to our DevHub org.

But we can clone the namespace of an existing DE org to our DevHubOrg”.

How to link NameSpace to DevHub org:-

Login to your DE org first and check whether you have any namespace defined there.

Please check your namespace as shown above and proceed to link the same to your DevHub org.
  • (Make sure you are using any random namespace for your testing purpose, but please use your desired namespace for your development perspective)
-- Now Login to your DevHub org from the CLI and check the “Namespace Registries” tab.
-- There would not be any NameSpace registered to your org. Then click ”Go" button next to the “All NameSpace Registries” view.

=> Now, you will see a button “Link NameSpace”.

=> Then Please click the Link Namespace button. It will give us a popup window, where it asks for the DE org credentials.
We need to login to our DE org from the popup window, so it will grab the namespace of our DE org.

It should look like this,
Then, the namespace would get automatically linked to our DevHub and we will be able to find the namespace registry in our DevHub org.

Please find the screenshot here,
So, we have successfully completed the step to link the NameSpace to our Devhub with the help of DE org.

--> You can link a number of NameSpace registries depend upon the requirement. There is no compulsion that we need to work only with one namespace.

Can I copy the settings and permission from one org to another?

Have you ever wondered that if we can clone a complete org into a new org irrespective of the org editions?
Is it possible to copy the settings and permissions from one org to another org, without creating them manually after the org creation?

The ANSWER is YES. We have that functionality to create or clone an org which can copy or inherit the permissions from the parent org which we can specify.

Note:- This feature will just copy the permissions and settings and features only, but not the org's metadata or real time data.

And YES, it reduces our manual effort, to set and configure the permissions and settings in any new org.

Here is the link which can explain us about the concepts along with the complete parameters, https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.sfdx_cli_reference.meta/sfdx_cli_reference/cli_reference_force_org.htm?search_text=password#cli_reference_shape_create

I am going to explain them briefly, so you can have a complete idea on the same.

Our Salesforce has released a feature called “Org Shape”, which is the most awaiting feature from our Partners and many other customers to copy and clone the contents from one org to another org.

Now, we can discuss about cloning an org.


Packaging in SFDX

Package Types:-
  • First Generation Packages
  • Unlocked Packages
  • Second Generation Packages
We will discuss the Unlocked Packages first.

==> My sincere advice, please complete these trailhead modules to know more about the Unlocked Packages.


>> The First and foremost point, “If we are creating a Managed Second generation package, then a Namespace is required for our DevHub. But if we want to create an Unlocked package, then namespace is optional”.

>> Another point to note. If we want to develop any unlocked package or second generation packages in our org, then we need to enable the permission “Enable Unlocked Packages and Second-Generation Managed Packages (Beta)”.

How to create an Unlocked Package:-

  • Create a new Project or use the same old project path which you are using in your local machine. (for example purpose, I am creating a new project and demonstrate this scenario).
  • Then try to add any components (like any apex classes, VF pages etc..) to your “force-app” folder.  I am assuming that in my machine, I have added the components which I developed and what components which I desired to be there in my Package.
  • Here, I have added 2 apex classes and making the package with those two components only.
  • Be sure to run the package CLI commands from the directory that contains the sfdx-project.json file.
  • As of now, my “sfdx-project.json" file looks like this,

  • Use the command “sfdx force:package:create --name "MyUnlockedPkg" --path force-app --packagetype Unlocked
We have successfully created an unlocked package in our Org.

--> Now, we can take a look at the “sfdx-project.json" file, it should get modified with the new package that we created just now.

  • We are not passing any namespace here to the sfdx-project.json file, so the package would be an unlocked package without a namespace.

==> Notice the placeholder values for versionName and versionNumber. You can update these values, or indicate base packages that this package depends on. You can specify the features and org preferences required for the metadata of your package in the project file, or you can opt to specify this information in an external .json file, such as the scratch org definition.

  • Now we can create a version to this package and see what happens,
We need to use the command  “sfdx force:package:version:create” and we need to define the installation key for this package. We can give whatever key we wish.

for example, I have taken installation key as “rajesh20”, the command looks like,

sfdx force:package:version:create --package "MyUnlockedPkg" --installationkey rajesh20 --definitionfile config/project-scratch-def.json --wait 10

*** If we do not give the installation key, it will throw us the reasonable error saying that it requires the installation key.

=> So, after giving the right command as mentioned above with the installation key, the CLI takes some time to update the package version which we have. The output looks like,

*** You can indicate the .json file on the command line or define it in the sfdx-project.json. Wait a few minutes before you proceed to the next step.

==> After creating this new version, the “sfdx-project.json" file looks like,

  • So far, we have created an unlocked package and added the components in it and created a new version for that package.
  • Now, we need to install this package into our Scratch org.
  • So, we need to use the command “sfdx force:package:install --package "MyUnlockedPkg" -u MyOrg12 --installationkey rajesh20 --wait 10 --publishwait 10
Then the output will look like this,
==> Please note this is the expected error. Because, we are passing the package name as “MyUnlockedPkg“, so the package previous version has one ID and we have recently modified the version. So we need to pass the latest version name, not the older one.

** As you can see from the above  “sfdx-project.json" file screenshot, the package got upgraded to newer version and the package Alias name also got changed to “MyUnlockedPkg@0.1.0-1”.
So we need to give the latest version Alias name to the above command.
  • Now the command will look like, “sfdx force:package:install --package "MyUnlockedPkg@0.1.0-1" -u MyOrg12 --installationkey rajesh20 --wait 10 --publishwait 10
  • Woohoo !! We have successfully installed this Unlocked package into our Scratch org. 
Let's verify the same,
## We have perfectly managed to create an Unlocked package without NameSpace in our org and installed the same into our scratch org. This is very helpful to our Developers.

==> Let's create an Unlocked package with a NameSpace in our org.

The steps are almost same, we need to add any component in our local repository and start packaging the added components.
  • But we need to specify the “namespace” in our sfdx-project.json file as shown below,
-- From now, whatever the packages that we create in this project, would be a part of this namespace.
  • These would be our next steps to create an unlocked package with namespace.
sfdx force:package:create --name "MyDemoPkg" -t unlocked --path force-app
sfdx force:package:version:create --package "MyDemoPkg" --installationkey rajesh20 --definitionfile config/project-scratch-def.json --wait 10
  • Now the version also created, so the sfdx-project.json file looks like this,
  • So, from the above screenshot, we are good to install this namespaced unlocked manage in any Scratch org. But from now, we need to copy the package ID and use it where ever we need to install this package.
  • I have created a new scratch org and my intention is to install this newly created package into newly created scratch org.
  • Here --p parameter refers to the default path that we are specifying. So I am creating a new project in my same project path. This is optional. 
  • Then, we are good to install this package into the scratch org.

sfdx force:package:install --package 04t0o000000qu95AAA --targetusername test-x7ujm5rawojg@example.com --installationkey rajesh20

sfdx force:package:install:report -i 0HfN00000000Db5KAE -u test-x7ujm5rawojg@example.com
  • We can check the same in UI as well, by opening the scratch org,

  • By this way, we can cross check whether the package got installed correctly and the components does have the exact namespace as we specified or not.

## This is the best way to create a namespaced unlocked package in our org. Cheers !!


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