SFDX Developer Guide
SFDX Developer Guide SFDX Developer Guide SFDX - Salesforce Developer Experience This doc explains the SFDX concepts in detail and it's solely based on my analysis and understanding. - Rajesh Babu Yanamala How to install SFDX on my machine? For Mac OS - https://sfdc.co/sfdx_cli_osx For Windows 32-bit - https://sfdc.co/sfdx_cli_win For Windows 64-bit - https://sfdc.co/sfdx_cli_win64 Select the defaults, then install it in your machine. Once it's installed in our machine, then we need to verify whether it has been installed correctly. For that, we need to open the Command Prompt from our machine and type the command “ sfdx ” In order to check the version of the CLI, you can use the following command, sfdx --version -To see the installed plugins for SFDX CLI, then type this command, sfdx plugins To know the Salesforce version that's used in our CLI which you have installed, type this, sfdx force --ver...